Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Asian Majority a College Crisis?

Asian majority a college crisis? by Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 5/21/2010 4:00:00 AM

"The various school campuses around the Golden State show representation of Asians ranging between 40 and 54 percent of the total number of students while only representing 13 to 14 percent of California's population. So the question is whether standards for admissions ought to be lowered in favor of non-Asians to create more of a balance in the schools' student makeup."

Reading this article brings up a topic that has always really irked me.  Every ethnicity/race has a different culture that emphasis different things....music, sports, being independent, dance...and for many Asians, education.   I grew up scared to show my report card if it wasn't mostly A's and God forbid, anything lower than a B.  Making it harder for Asians to go to college is the absurd; I do not believe in Affirmative Action for entrance into higher education...sure, having scholarships and help available to underrepresented groups is fine but it shouldn't be a factor on whether or not they're actually admitted.  Do we have quotas for different groups in sports or politics?

What I've said in this blog is definitely not a new argument nor is it explained to the fullest but it was on my mind today when I stumbled across this article.

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